New limited gacha for Rosalie and the midway for Tohru!

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Yay! Midway final rank was 100! How did you guys rank?

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"Why are there so many rainbows?!"
"They're for the anniversary?"
"Happy Anniversary, Nizikano!"

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"I don't know how to play this instrument."
"Wait, Anniversary?"
""Happy Anniversary, Nizikano~"

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Gorgeous recs by Beccah! Happy 4th Anniversary DGF! Happy to be here!

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"Why am I an idol?"
"Oh, it's Nizikano's Anniversary?"
"Happy Anniversary~"

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"Listen to my music."
"Happy Anniversary, NiziKano~"
"My music is that good?!"

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No fun recs today, however I did receive Rosalie's outfit as a gift yesterday from a friend. Thank you Jay!

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Give Rosalie some chicken soup, she's not feeling well! 🍜🐔

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