LORE: Stornel
Apparently, a defective NOISZ Beast who has defied his programming and regained control of his body. Aids the player and serves as the new navigator after the events of Story C.

Can transform into a silver lion. His signature ability is PARRY STYLE.

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If you got your hopes up for a cute and rude red navigator... April f--wait, it's actually happening!!

NOISZ's second mascot Arietta will soon be taking over navi duties for advanced Styles (4*+), infuriating expert players with her cocky trash talk! (No DLC purchase required.)

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LORE: Beyond
A mysterious one-armed girl who saves you from a Noise Beast by granting you the power of the NOISZ. Appears and disappears at a whim. Where did she and her power come from? One thing seems certain: her goal is to hunt down and purify all the Noise Beasts.

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