Meanwhile in Orgrimmar...
A tiny shitstain dared to sneak back in

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I drew my hobgoblin fighter, Kymir Morgrim last night. I love

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On my way to the true Gnome Run! The storming of Orgrimmar throne room and licking of Eitrigg!!!! Got there in half the corpse runs!

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My Myth wizard Morgrim Thunder! I recolored/shaded the piece! Thoughts?

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Finally got off my butt and finished this. I didn't solo five mask SW sadly (only Orgrimmar) and SW won't be back before pre-patch so no "Mad World" achievement but at least I'm done with this meta.

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Art of the Zones from WoW 🏞🌄🌌 🎨

1. Exodar By Howard Lyon
2. Silvermoon By James Ryman
3.Orgrimmar Unknown artist
4. Booty Bay By Ywtsmq

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Bunch more Orgrimmar NPCs got updated, notably the non-orc guards.

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A lot of my OC’s aren’t very badass, at least not conventionally. Except for Ekoshye here. She’s a Dragonmaw Monk who was imprisoned beneath Orgrimmar for speaking out against Garrosh. She then proceeded to fight her way out of her prison beneath the city WITHOUT weapons.

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As promised, Orgrimmar Grunt fanart! FOR THE HORDE ❤️

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"My Life for Ner'zhul lookin' ass." - Half of Orgrimmar, probably.

Thank you so much for the amazing piece of Dee in her casual get up - just in time for the Fall season! Their style is amazing and I can't toss more love at 'em!

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A new dawn for Orgrimmar! Love working on these illustrations for specific characters! First time I've worked with this angle, was challenging, but enlightening!

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Me rn.... I ate dinner, watched star trek, then wanted to work on reshading Morgrim.

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Morgrim is lookin' good!

Done for tonight! I will probably redo/add some shading later on, but I am tired rn!

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Thunder Bluff



(Art by: QS . -

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So if Tess got herself to Orgrimmar against her father's orders... 🤫 there might be some mixed emotions at the sight of her.

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Toq betrayed the Horde when he sided with Sylvanas. Then he betrayed his loyalist brethen. Now he's a wanted man (or goblin i guess), and only enters Orgrimmar under the cover of night.

Recent commission I finished! Also first goblin I ever painted.

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also while running the horrific vission in Orgrimmar, I found Hou in a cage, im not sure if its for both sides or just on the Alliance side but its pretty cool to see (also they apear in different cages when you start)

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Ya se conoce el nuevo lugar de residencia de Juan Carlos I: el rey emérito ha sido visto en Orgrimmar, y al parecer habría elegido "rogue" como su clase

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