Perry el ornitorrinco tu visita es inesperada y por inesperada me refiero a completamente esperanda v:

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Recién salida del hornito 🥰

Día 9 Amaryllis + Hipster

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gnt o perry é literalmente um ornitorrinco espião, vcs juram msm que o mais estranho é ser assexual/ ace canon?

43 442

Más de 50 capas fueron suficientes para que mi laptop fuera un hornito

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¡Perry el Ornitorrinco, contempla!

13 105

Great for

Btw i want to invite you to pixel-art-birds collab, taking place right now! Details in DM or here:
Web-version of collab:

1 9

pensaba mezclar algunos animales y me acordé que ¡La naturaleza ya lo hizo! <3
El ornitorrinco tiene pico similar a un pato, cola como la del castor, un espolón venenoso, pelaje y es un mamífero que pone huevos :v

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White-throated for

Btw i want to invite you to pixel-art-birds collab, taking place right now! Details in DM or here:
Web-version of collab:

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Opa!! Eu sou a Tilili, mas você pode me chamar de Tilly, adoro desenhar e AMO animações, se você gosta de ornitorrincos, lagostas e qualquer outra coisa fofa meus desenhos talvez agradem você!!

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Another bird for by

This one is a white-fronted bee-eater
More cool pixel birds here:

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Hey, i'm hosting a new for from everywhere! Check details and try it:

I need all your help, retweets and particapation of course! Welcome to O.W.L. project!

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White stork for "OWL" project.
Welcome to check our pixel-birds collaboration! Here is it (now in rus only):

3 11

Japan for as bird, close to extinction

Btw welcome to check our pixel-birds collaboration! Here is it (now in rus only):

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Mi psicóloga: Perry el ornitorrinco vestido de Ariana Grande no existe.
Perry el ornitorrinco vestido de Ariana Grande:

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