I really liked that Pancham I drew, so I made him into an OC!

This is Reaumur, Fahren and Celsi's childhood friend. Reaumur is mischievous and a bit cocky. He's not very smart, but he's not dumb or naive. He loves battling, and wears a muscle band for extra strength.

49 259

I just love the Lil Panchams face

6 35

loved when serena caught pancham! just a little performer 🐼✨

63 442

674 - Pancham
Type: Fighting

Abilities: Iron-fist, Mold-breaker, Scrappy

0 2

Drippin x Pokémon collaboration P.1

Hyeop as Morpeko (모르페코)
Yunseong as Pancham (판짱)
Changuk as Skitty (에나비)

41 73

No. 674: Pancham
Playful Pokémon

It does its level best to glare and pull a scary face, but it can't help grinning if anyone pats its head.

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Some cafe staff Gengar drawings~ , anyway, when will pancham be available?

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Fighting: I just noticed I like a lot of them, putting my top fav but special mention to mienshao, pancham, blaziken, infernape, chesnaught, toxicroak and hawlucha.

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So my friends have said that if I was a Pokemon Imd be Pancham. I think they might have a point 🤔

2 18

Gen 6- Yet another underrated ghost type. But also gen 6 had some really good forgettable mons? Pancham comes close to winning this.

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Do you like Pancham? 🎍

392 2046

Mar 15, 2015. By: Laurita444
[68 Yeahs!] [18 replies] (EU)
"Pancham :3"

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(i got nothing for the dex entry)

Combo of Pancham, Stufful and Kubfu

6 25

ngl I was gonna drw Purple panda as Pancham but hay maybe another day

0 4

I’ve had a soft spot for Pancham since seeing them in the Pokémon games, so I had a lot of fun drawing one today 😁

3 13

किताबों का साथ हो पेन पर हाथ हो, पढ़ाई दिन रात हो, जिंदगी के हर इम्तिहान में आप पास हो,
माँ सरस्वती का आशीर्वाद हमेशा आपके साथ हो, आप सभी को, बसंत पंचमी की हार्दिक
शुभकामनाएँ । 💛

0 1

Wishing everyone an auspicious Vasant Panchami.
May Goddess Saraswati bless us all with prosperity and knowledge. 🙏🏽🔱❤️

ॐ सरस्वती मया दृष्ट्वा, वीणा पुस्तक धारणीम। हंस वाहिनी समायुक्ता मां विद्या दान करोतु में ऊॅं।।

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