Chaelisa: Rosé's cheeks *sigh* yes, again

My girlfriend showed me this vlive of chaelisa in IG. And I couldn't help myself but squeal like a little girl when I saw this hahahaha

503 810

Valentine's day: Rosé's fluffy cheeks ..again (Chaelisa) part 1

444 608

Blackpink in Thailand: Shopping (Chaennie)

I'm sorry if I wrote the thai words wrong hehe I just searched it on google hihihi

Now I'm ready for the next EP 😄

376 583

I know it's kind'a late but..

We love youuuu 💛♥️💜💙 🙆

186 474

Blackpink as their zodiac signs


What's your zodiac sign?
Mine's rosie's 😄

317 429

HAPPY NEW YEAR TO BLACKPINK AND TO MY FELLOW BLINKS! let's welcome 2018 with a smile and with a max volume of bp songs bcuz 2018 will be BP's year 😄🤘 have a wonderful, fun, and blessed new year!!

242 337

a quick drawing of mad chaengmunk since I can't do my work because of the internet connection problem 😑🐹

54 134

Goodnight, sleep tight, don't let the bedbugs bite chichu, jendeukie, chaengmunk, and limario, and blinks! 😊💤

420 522