Egg has been added to Peculiara's wrestler line up because of course he has. 😂

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I have a new wrestler to add to Peculiara's roster. Meet Macho Cheese!

...If you want to unfollow, that's fair.

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Just making little character icons for Peculiara. These are quite fun to make. I've only focussed on recurring characters so far but I may make some for the one offs too.

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Peculiara Episode 6
Tuft saves a kingdom from a roaster.

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I know that most of you follow me mainly for my wrestling art and Peculiara is quite a niche project but I appreciate it when you stick around to read this too. Hopefully there'll be lots more peculiar shenanigans to come.

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Peculiara Episode 5
Princess Diva kisses a frog.

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A while back, I did a poll to see who everyone's favourite Peculiara character was, and it turned out to be Stripes. But I wonder if Princess Diva might have stolen that title from him. 😂

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So I've made 4 pages of Peculiara in the past month. I'm much happier with the slight changes I made and hopefully there's loads more to come. I hope you all enjoy reading it too.

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Peculiara Episode 4
Meet the Black Knight.

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The changes have been pretty minor so far but I'm much happier with the direction I've been taking Peculiara now. People seem to be responding better too.

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Peculiara Episode 2

Just a Sorcerer seeking a new apprentice.

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Whilst I'm posting Peculiara stuff, here's some more character concept art. I'm going for better readability this time because I think that's where they fell short last time.

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I made up the Cheese Elves in Peculiara as a silly joke but so many awful puns kept coming to me that the world kinda built itself. 😂

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Fun Peculiara fact. These 3 characters are actually remastered versions of characters I came up with when I was about 10. Hang on to those old ideas, even if they didn't work. You might find a use for them in another project.

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The silly wordplays are one of my favourite parts of Peculiara. The Cheese Elves of Double Gloucestershire are where my worst offenses lie though. I have a new one coming up sometime soon too and it's awful. 😂

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Have some Peculiara spam today. I feel like bigging up my passion project!

Have you been reading Peculiara. Which character is your fave?

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I want to try more art styles in Peculiara now. They're so fun to do! Need to come up with some fun story ideas for them.

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I've had this Peculiara idea of a pirate that's also a half witch. I should bring her into the series one day. I've got quite a few ideas to work with already.

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Throwback to when I tried to sell copies of Peculiara at MCM Glasgow. I realised at the last minute that I couldn't sell fan art at the stall I had booked so I made prints of the "NO STABBING" sign from the sword shop and it outsold everything else. 😂

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That's another new wrestler in the line up for Peculiara. I wanted another enemy for Intensive Clare Unit. I haven't named this new wrestler yet ("Karen" felt too easy) but hopefully I will one day.

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