Merch Pira bakal segera rilis, nih 💜

Untuk berita selanjutnya mungkin bisa masuk ke discord Blok C (, akan diadakan comifuro virtual di sana.

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Ancien joueur de S.Smash Bros 4, main Diddy Kong, Pira a aussi organisé des tournois Smash comme la Smash Summer Cup!
Avec Andy c'est grâce à cet homme si on peut connaitre aujourd'hui autant de communauté et de personnes !
🔥MERCI infini🔥

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Pira: Que raro que no tengas un fakemon de Monokuma.

Also Dewy: No tenía (?) xD

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Met Pagi~
Pira tidur jam 12 malam, kebangun jam 5. Pingin tidur lagi tapi enggak bisa hwhw

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Potret seorang Pira yang disuruh foto untuk kartu/buku kesiswian sekolah.

Ah, Pira jadi kangen pas masih belum PPKM.

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Responde e eu te dou um tema
Me: vampiros preferidos (são 6)
1⁰ Lestat de lioncourt! (Motivo por eu ter essa pira por vampiros)
2⁰ Drácula de Bram stoker por Gary Oldman (meu filme preferido)
3⁰ Alucard Helsing (Eu prós mais íntimos)
4⁰ Alucard Castlevania (Jesus loiro fds)

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Zoey wrapped up like a present for Pira and ! I hope you enjoy!

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Would -two- mutuals be so kind to lend me their YB sona's for two lil draws I wanna do with Pira?? I was going to use generic Y/N but I thought it'd be a lil more fun to do some oc's instead. They both involve some forceful grabbing, and one is with ribbon, just as an fyi

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I came here for horny golf ball, and got pwetty murder lady along the way. ❤️🔪❤️🔪
Fanart of 's OC, Pira!

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I'm overwhelmed in the BEST way about how much you guys seemed to enjoy Pira, seriously I'm ajksnda 💚💚💚✨✨Anyway only One person asked so of course I'm like "ah yes, time to draw original Pira, as a treat fo me" so here she be

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Tangan Pira gatel mau ngepost, tapi Pira maunya Lily yang lihat dluan. Karena sudah dilihat, saatnya ngepost hwhw.


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2017 birthday gift for , Bek Ironhold the tax collector goblin and Gettar82 Pira.

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Se puede hacer a Guff más cute?
Se me pira el pancho, os lo digo

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"Pira, my dog's hot. Let's GOOO!"

Drew a very late birthday present for the dog~!
Hope everyone had a good summer, and if not, maybe this'll make up for it a bit :b
Signed by and I c:

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Untuk yang mau mengirim meme untuk Pira Review pada hari sabtu.
Silahkan post meme kalian di twitter dengan tag
atau bisa kirim meme di kolom komentar tweet ini dengan tag

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Eu acabo tendo uma pira em fazer oc de alguma franquia ou série de algo que gosto. Dessa vez foi danganronpa!


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Karena entah mengapa tweetnya yg sebelumnya ndak kelihatan. Pira post ulang aja, deh. Done~

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✨Jogos Olímpicos Wakanda 2024✨: Pictogramas, ingressos, tocha e pira olímpica e Estádio Olímpico T'Chaka.

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Yay 500 followers 🎉

Pira bakal adain tebak-tebakan berhadiah. Hanya untuk orang pertama yang menjawab benar. Prize : chibi art

Rule :
1. Cuma bisa jawab sekali.
2. Harus benar dua-duanya.
3. Drop png dan jawab di kolom komentar

Pertanyaan : Apa dua makanan favoritnya Pira?

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