I just watched coco for the first time like 2 days ago dont roast me I love Héctor

50 180

Miguel Rivera playing an electric guitar❤️

28 125

Mhe I draw 'cause I love his trash personality (not in all fics is like that)... btw I still Love (me mama, es vida) the , Drama, pasion, love, moar drama.
jaja Bye folks I need sleep... I hope you enjoy my drawings.

3 18

Concept for a painting I am working on. It is gonna be mESSY-

9 20


41 258

“I am the greatest…" Can you imagine the trouble these two arrogant nuts could cause if they teamed up? X ( X )

14 56

Daily Doodle from late night. A redraw from one of the deleted scenes from
Where Héctor is celebrity tour guide.

4 53

Miguel y Marco......#PixarCoco

5 8


44 148

Héctor and Imelda Disney-bounding/cosplaying gives me life.

17 34


202 770