C'est quoi vos 3 pokémons préférés ? les miens :

0 9

My friend gave me a challenge of drawing my sona, Az, with Pokémons.
I made az wear nurse clothes bc i see az as looking after the Pokémons, the cray and white clothes.

0 3


Battling some Gym Leaders and doing some Pokémons raids!

Pushing to 500 followers! Lurking is always welcome!


2 3

5. Favorite Mega Evolution/Dynamax/Gigantamax

Mega Altaria ! Il est bien trop beau ❤️
On en est à 2 Pokémons oiseaux d’affilé je remarque

1 9

: The Pokémon Company a dévoilé les artworks restants des Pokémon de la 9ème génération

20 211

: artworks officiels des Champions d'Arène

19 171

: artworks officiels des leaders de la Team Star

39 332

: artworks officiels de quelques Pokémon Paradoxes

45 499

: artworks officiels des évolutions finales des starters

23 224

: artworks officiels des évolutions finales des starters https://t.co/oDo6dwQGOf

2 7

Você sabia que em termos de cruzamento entre humanos e Pokémons...

0 1

Merci Lili ! 🥺

Hello a tous ! Moi c'est Saki et je suis une artiste au tradi.
Ce que j'aime faire ? Dessiner des oc's (notamment les miens et ceux de mes ami(e)s) et des pokémons ! Je m'amuse aussi parfois a faire juste des petits sketchs comme ça.
Voila 😄💕

3 6

Black Ice Pokémon
Ice/Dark Type
It leaves behind a trail of very slippery, thin ice from its slushy body. It relishes on the chaos that ice creates for other pokémons and humans.🐌

4 25

secret santa gift but its not chrismas related at all and its just arven pokemon

15 51

I stayed to 1am (its almost 2am now) bc I was playing pokémon shield with my brother. Basically I was exchanging illegal pokémons to legendary, I got a shiny Jirachi that is was earned legally for a Shiny Zacian from an event.

With that said, gn

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