Random Pokemon of the day is Drifloon. I actually have a shiny Drifloon card, really cool. Credit goes to Deermoth.#pokemon

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So.. These days I've been working on this hoping for a remakes announcement. I guess it was unlikely to happen, but have this things I made while we wait.

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Random Pokemon of the day is Prinplup. I love how beautiful this looks!! Credit goes to AutobotTelsa.#pokemon

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Siempre sera mi personaje favorito de Pokemon Espe.
Hay una carta de pkmn TCG la cual me gusto y decidí hacer un fanart en mi estilo ya que siempre trato de ser fiel al estilo del original.

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Random Pokemon of the day is Skuntank. I really love this! 😂🤣 I also love how the charity is looking at him! Credit goes to Ribbedebie.

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Random Pokemon of the day is Glaceon. The art looks so damn beautiful!!Credit goes to DoomXWolf/doomthewolf.#pokemon

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una panda de ladrones estúpidos... pokémon platino EP8
(1cofre x sub) (2cofres x resub) https://t.co/AAZTRTJij2

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day 30: Catch
Pokemon Platinum is the best game and Lucas is the best protag. Also turtwig is cute.

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