
シートは( )さんからお借りしました!

34 176

寶可領航員的小秘密🚀/ A little secret about pokenavi

68 412

寶可領航員,透過科技改造百變怪,使人類獲得寶可夢特殊能力的全新行業!快加入我們一起喊「百變怪變身」! / Be a pokenavi and get your special tech-modified ditto! This newest job let people gain pokemon's special ability, to help society and make a fortune!

70 340

Pokenavi Character Sheet Template is DONE!
Let's create your wonderful pokenavi! In the google drive, there's also 1 PSD file and 3 PNG files as templates. Please feel free to use them!

18 77

寶可領航員,透過科技改造百變怪,使人類獲得寶可夢特殊能力的全新行業!快加入我們一起喊「百變怪變身」! / Be a pokenavi and get your special tech-modified ditto! This newest job let people gain pokemon's special ability, to help society and make a fortune!

141 601

構思中的寶可領航員 🦅 / Pokenavi WIP 🦅

26 158

構思中的寶可領航員🐻 / Pokenavi WIP 🐻

34 219

構思中的寶可領航員們 / Pokenavis WIP

32 204

我朋友的玄魚跟我家的玄魚 / The basculegion pokenavi of my friend and the other one of mine.

15 137

Basically every person only suit for one kind of pokemon species as their pokenavi ability. The advantage is the transformation combines information technology and biologic to enhance body. To complete any kind of job such like what Poison Fang said

2 19

就決定順水推舟成為一個獨立角色了。名字是玄道、男性 24 歲,神奧地區的居民。寶可領航員身分為幽尾玄魚的「溟航」/ So, let he be my character. His name is Gendou. His pokenavi form name is Dusksail, the Basculegion. 24 Male, live in Sinnoh(not Hisui).

19 138

寶可領航員變身前後 / After & Before Pokenavi transformation

44 242

如果洗翠人穿越到用百變怪變身成寶可領航員的世界…? / If a Hisuian time traveled to a world of Pokenavi which transformed by ditto transformation...?

68 328