Christian Adams on Boris Johnson's pledge – - political cartoon gallery in London

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Brighty on Boris Johnson's no-deal Brexit plans – - political cartoon gallery in London

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Go Brecon! Good luck with that majority of one, Doris 😂

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Martin Rowson on Boris Johnson's no-deal Brexit plans – - political cartoon gallery in London

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Patrick Blower on traveling to Scotland to announce a £300 million in Growth Deal funding - political cartoon gallery in London

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Nicola Jennings on Boris Johnson's turbo-charged premiership - political cartoon gallery in London

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A couple of hours spent quickly cobbling together this bit of political satire. and truly are cowboys, but in the dodgy builder sense of that word.

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Peter Schrank on Boris Johnson and the EU May - political cartoon gallery in London

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Brian Adcock: Trade deal blatherings from the orange bell-end and the top tory tosspot. - political cartoon gallery in London

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