spoilers!!! uh oh im falling in love

15 31


74 156

heres a sketchy thisbe !! i gotta rest my wrists but i had 2 draw her before th year ended

16 41

PZN00 . Partizan00
Speculation: 'Million isn't really into Clem (Que up 'Bite the Hand' sung under her breath while applying eyeliner) but she's willing to play nice if it means access to makeup and soft fabric (anything but prison uniforms)

73 188

Millie... ily.................

17 60

ok listen,, i'm very excited for these characters,

53 119

finished sketch of Braun from the other day!

0 0

Clemintine Kesh i would do anything for u

21 56

tried my hand at a few of the new pc designs

118 319

My first go at the player characters, in which i learned i can draw anything (except an old man)

26 67

speculation on group dynamics but mostly just an illustration of 'Thisbe Big'

91 257

I've been as hyped as humanly possible for my favorite actual play podcast to play my favorite TTRPG, sooo here's Clementine Kesh, rightful heir to the throne of Kesh. six more characters to go!!

41 122

PZN00 Partizan00
A first pass at Broun, who is probably big crush material tbh (custom rivets? wow💦)

47 143


Love to look at my vague chicken scratch sketch with the mostly finished version

12 97

my two faves so far r both apostolisian and i support this trend

22 68

Ver’million, million, millie, I’d like to thank andi for saying goth rights

163 336

spoiler for


40 113

spoilers //

36 123

and partizan spoilers

138 357