Sakura Raffina in Puyo Puyo Quest and all of her artwork in order of rarity.

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Kitty Raffina in Puyo Puyo!! Quest.

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Tenshi doing a Raffina pose

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Raffina at SEGA HQ for saying fuck.
(Walks back in the very next day.)

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This picture edit is dedicated to

Ringo whacked Accord with her book after learning from Amitie (non-canonically) that Accord bonked Raffina with a Hammer and her cane to Klug alongside with other mental torture (i think?)

yeah, need to brush up on Puyo lore

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Raffina! Playing with filters and whatnot!

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A slightly obscure detail is how each of the Primp Magic School students are based on one of the five colors of Puyo and are designed in a manner to reflect their representative color. Raffina in particular, is based on the Yellow Puyo.

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Raffina in PPF2 is the funniest Puyo Puyo character.

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Puyo Puyo Tetris is the only post-Fever Puyo Puyo game where you do not play as Raffina for the entirety of the game's campaign mode, oddly enough. In sheer contrast, every other post-Fever game had atleast 1 playable appearance of her in their campaigns in some capacity.

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Abbiamo eseguito approfonditi esami con le nostre raffinate tecnologie e abbiamo scoperto che la gente dentro ha le budella, ma in compenso non c'è traccia di cervella.

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raffina - puyo puyo 20th

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You don't wanna see the Raffina fight.

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steam city raffina - puyo puyo quest

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steam city raffina - puyo puyo quest

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