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Garchomp's my favorite pokemon, if I were to be a gym trainer I'd main a Garchomp sandstorm dragon team ;w; <3 ,3 <3

0 2

🥕Pokemon trainer PekoMama wants to battle! *flips page*
Accept Challenge? ▸Yes No

404 2698

Drew my oc for my bthday🥳🎂
She's a freelance maid who takes any job, and she's a dark/ghost type trainer💕💕

6 43

The Pokemon: The trainer:

My oc Ayla has many cotton buddies in her team, but Hoppip what her first friend. Do you want to know how they've met? https://t.co/PhzoglHCdZ

46 450

Another Pokémon trainer request done 🐵👊🔥

9 73

comm roughs, Baiken dressed as a gambler trainer

19 207

You are challenged by Pokemon Trainer Miey!
She sends out Tatsugiri! 🍣

43 260

✨Frieren as a pokemon trainer! What other pokemon would she have on her team? 🤔

817 5415

my muay thai trainer is extra sadistic today, after all the drills, he said to do 60 consecutive kicks as a finisher 🙄

62 1903

🕯️Asumi, Litwick trainer
Aoi's sister/ social media 'manager' (she chose her pokemon back when she still looked up to Aoi)

214 1777

My pokemon red flag is whenever someone draws/writes their pokemon referring to their trainer as "master".

2 13

⚡️Yamper sygna suit for Maelys 💛
(also ft: ultraball bc mae looks like the type of trainer who would match her pokemon to their pokeballs)

141 1030

Today I learned that mega evolved pokemons without a trainer with strong bonds tends to go...berserk...at least in lore.

And considering that Leone is a wild mega gardevoir...

3 34

🐶🐾Pokemon AU: Trainer Maelys (would like to know if she can pet your dog pokemon and give them treats🥺💕)

173 1331

Trainer-Roserade size comparison

90 766

my regional form of Chandelure for my ghost trainersona! https://t.co/t67vaj1cCe

127 937

You are challenged by Pokemon Trainer Nijika & Ryo! 😱

324 2144

🐟Pokemon OC: Basculegion Trainer Suiren
(felt like posting her again because lots of new people haven't seen her)

628 5424

Latest Pokémon + trainer request! 🚘🔥

34 134

Some very talented and experienced Pokemon Trainers

92 929