See pieces in advance, and exclusive video too.
Full version of + and posted on  in October, 2020

14 90

Been a hot minute since I drew Scott and Ramrams.
Also Pakuman easter egg 👌🏼.

1 5

I’ve just been thinking about her....#ScottPilgrim

12 15

Ramona/Scott study. Having some creative freedom has been fun but I've been low on motivation lately and wanting some change. Luckily I landed an interview last week and if all goes well may be employed again 🤞🙏

2 4
See pieces in advance, and exclusive video too.

Final of  & posted on  in October, 2020
Part of something larger.

7 60

He estado pensando en hacer mi primer cómic, haciendo parodia de Scott pilgrim, si veo que le va bien también quiero hacer más números, el punto aquí es con cuál empezar... acá los sketch de las portadas

0 8

R a M o N a 🌼

Quise intentar dibujarla, es que a mi novio le encanta Ramona y pues no lo culpo :"V

Aunque me gusta más su color azul :3

0 13
See pieces in advance, and exclusive video too.

Final of Kyle and Ken, the  5th & 6th of   posted on  in October, 2020
Part of something larger.

7 20