The claim "Wyverns aren't dragons because dragons have 4 limbs + wings" is not just wrong, but is also erasure of Asian cultural history. It implies Europe's 6-limbed dragons are the only "real" dragons. Asia always had wingless dragons and you wouldn't argue these aren't dragons

224 1310

Gm! Hello, I am a self-taught digital painter thrilled to learn more. I enjoy creating abstractions, finding human form in those, further showing our connections to each other and the world even after death. I use erasure in my artworks in art deco style, giving a bit of glitch

0 0

So the Moroccan team prostrated after games during the World Cup & news articles were reporting they were bowing to their fans in thanks 🤣 like please stop. It’s just weird! Either it’s ignorance or purposeful erasure of a common act of faith. Either way, they need to do better.

67 331

5) For my favorite EXE ship...Ship....
There's two actually, one canon and one non-canon. And that issss

MonoTails/Mina and ERASURE/ENTITEER.

Listen I don't know why or how but I love these ships so much and just love seeing them! ;;

0 5

3) I'm gonna be honest here, and I hope this doesn't come off as bad...
But both my bois MonoTails and ERASURE are my favorites cuz I specifically made them to be my ideal exe designs. :')

Along with Soul Tails cuz I adore that boi so much!

0 3

Epithet Erasure??? Epithet Erased Art On Your Timeline??? I LOVE THIS BOOK TAKE SOME ART! SPOILER FREE OF COURSE ✨✨#EpithetErased

165 714

Hello, thanks for the opportunity! I am a digital artist using erasure on my own photographs, sculpting those and further painting to create. I love showing how we are all connected to each other and to the world around us

1 4

Here's Archie!

- Reality warping (Erasure included) (leaning more on pathifery in this stage of his life)
- Dimensional travel (Only through dreams currently)
- Can jump three steps of a stair without falling

- Is only a kid.
- Has no control over his power

1 2

So, it may kinda depend for ERASURE due to his own abilities, would have to depend on the circumstances they meet in.

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Also there needs to be a discussion on why it's ok to only give credit to only publishers on the PS store pages.

the erasure feels gross AF

2 25

badboy ace erasure agenda... im making him moe

22 125

Well I do have ERASURE for one

0 2

I do have my bois
MonoTails, ERASURE, and MISSING_Knight

0 3

I was hoping to see William Hartnell to be the main focas of the cover, you know the actor who's been playing Doctor Who since this show began just a few years ago in 1963.
Talk about erasure. Will this franchise ever learn.

1 9

So happy to send this artwork to as my gift for collecting "Rhapsody in Blue". This was the biggest part of creating this artwork. Layers and layers of erasure used on my own photographs, sculpted and further painted.

Thank you so much again!!

0 4


5 73

Also just for fun, but for ERASURE it's

-Fatal Error
-The Expocene

0 0

I don't know how i never thought of this before, but there might be a few individuals who might be after ERASURE due to the high amount of universes he's disrupted....

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