I painted a Prince --
and refused to let myself sleep until it was finished.

15 45

My OC and WoW main and muse, Astarys.
OT3 with Renathal and Theotar, she is very much in love with not only the two of them, but Revendreth itself. Destined to become a Venthyr to remain with her two soulbinds. Art by PalitaniaArt, vaestro, and myself.

0 7

Of course we have to start with these two lads.
More smol venthyr shall be joining them... 👀 👀

19 73

It's :3
No Renathal's were harmed in the making of this poster card. Lilva however was accidentally crushed when Renathal started going feral like a mechanical bull which we won't be getting into.

8 22

Loving the fact how my way of drawing Renathal has just slowly evolved over this year.
From pointy ears and smoother hair to massive fucking bat ears and so much volume holy shit what the hell are you using in your hair???

0 18

CW// Mild bl00d

When your dad changes the password to your Roblox account.

Needed some feral, angry Renathal content.

12 37

The day Renathal learnt his father had the staying apparatus in his legs that allowed him to sleep standing up.

8 22

A quick (lazy *coughs*) drawing of Renathal before I sleep, going with the hc that he used to wear red before the rebellion ❤️

29 116

CW// Dr/ug mention


He just
He j
He just vibing

8 18

More venthyr as bat memes, check comments for the original I based these off~ ft Renbat, Theobat and Lilbat w/ Molly's hands.

13 35

Lilva challenges the prince to a dance off, Theotar is there for support.

Forever loving the headcanon that venthyr can transform into bats.

5 16

The Fangcrack Fan Club has t-shirts now, seek Rendle and Cudgelface out and get your own, he is Renathal modeling one 😎

9 24

I made my court of embers today. Rénathal is still so handsome 😍 Am I the only one who wants to marry him ?

1 7

Renathal just wanted a nibble... 😏🩸

4 20

Wanted to redraw a sketch I did of Renathal and the Curator. Redraw left, original right.

That moment when your rebellion fails and dad throws you and your sibling into hell.

4 21

Father and son bonding time.
Both a light hearted one based of an ask I received on Curiouscat and a serious version.
Look out for a follow up to this by the way. Probably tomorrow. It will be a funny one trust me.

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