Is there anyone else out there that compulsively consults past auction sales to find data for their research? I look at China Trade art/early photographs of China... look at these garden & botanic related beauties (Bonhams 2009)

1 2

We know how Strong Sad is on caffeine, but the real question is did get the Nobel Peacey Prize from his research?

0 4

Are you aware of the wide range of protein data resources available to enhance your research? can help!

17 14

..What kind of research? And did you root through my belongings without my permission? I told you to come to me when you wanted those tomes!

0 1

Not sure where to start with your research? Why not arrange a free 1-2-1 with us, or come to a discovery session

0 0

Got some time for research? is talking to people about intimacy next week in the gallery. See

0 1

What are your plans?
Resistance, rebellion, revolt, revolution, riot
What about research?
Have you seen who's president?

2 3

Interested in studying fashion or doing research? This book from is a must!

7 18

Have you got an eye for details and game research? We could use your help! Details:

9 46

If we're aiming for beauty and /or functionality in all things, then what is the point of academic business research?

8 4

Omg the comments 😂😭 Katy do you even research?
Lady Gaga

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