Intercambiar algunos versos de 'Ophélie', de Rimbaud, con me ha conducido a esta ilustración en que Yamato Waki representa el intento de ahogamiento de Ukifune (escena del Genji) inspirándose en el célebre cuadro de Millais 🪷.

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Chuuya: Arahabaki
Dazai: What...?
Rimbaud: I had a hunch that you were~
In manga,anime,and stage play,Dazai who was shocked and at loss of words as there was no way this so lively energetic and emotional small boy could not be human,and he would prove it in Storm Bringer

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Watercolor, painted as an illustration to one of Arthur Rimbaud's poems. 1923. Adolphe Féder, watercolorist, Ukrainian artist/illustrator (1886-1943). Born in Odessa. In the public domain due to age.

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Watercolor with a peacock, painted as an illustration to one of Arthur Rimbaud's poems. 1923. Adolphe Féder, watercolorist, Ukrainian artist/illustrator (1886-1943). Born in Odessa. In the public domain due to age.

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Watercolor with sailing ships, painted as an illustration to one of Arthur Rimbaud's poems. 1923. Adolphe Féder, watercolorist, Ukrainian artist/illustrator (1886-1943). Born in Odessa. In the public domain due to age.

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Verlaine who asked Rimbaud to take care of his little brother when he was away as he knew how much he was so kind,those time he accompanied the kids to have a drink,reassuring Chuuya he could be human,his soul watching over the boys,and in the gakuen making sure they were alright

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Yoshihide Sasaki as Paul Verlaine,Chuuya's big brother is so gorgeous,i can't wait to see him fussing around his little brother (to Dazai's annoyment ^^) as well as his so heartbreaking story with Rimbaud!

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When Rimbaud said all living creatures were beautiful beings whatever its nature,it was for Verlaine who was a beautiful human despite created artificially,for Chuuya who was a beautiful human despite the beast inside him,and for Dazai who was a beautiful human despite his demons

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30 march in Japan,Happy birthday to Paul Verlaine,he just wanted to take his little brother away with him so as to hate together the world that made them suffer,but Chuuya showed him it was still worth loving it,he is now mourning Rimbaud in PM waiting,Storm Bringer is on its way

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"It has been found again! What? Eternity.
It is the sea mingled with the sun..."
(Arthur Rimbaud)

🎨 Victor Karlovich Shtemberg "Sirens by the Sea" (c 1900)

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In Storm Bringer when Rimbaud and Verlaine freed Chuuya the focus was on his neck as the first part of his skin they reached for,then in the Fifteen Dazai's first touch on Chuuya's body was also his neck,symbolic since he would forever be the one freeing him the same from then on

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Le Batêau Ivre
Powerful painting by Anya Lauchlan from poem by Arthur Rimbaud. Sailboat, without Captain or Crew careering like a drunken ship towards its final end. Seems a lot like what is happening to our World today!

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My fav poet is Rimbaud with his "A thousand Dreams within me softly burn" & "I shed more tears than God could ever have required"

Once I wrote: "I've never outside of your obsession with me; an obsession that arts your love with lust & ochre”

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“Im sorry Rimbaud,i didnt thank you for my birthday gift,now that you’re not here anymore…Im starting to feel sad"
Verlaine you was guilty to not have said the words before,and it felt like a lesson of life as later Dazai took his chance to express how he has been missing Chuuya

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Let me also introduce a passionate Hemingway fan . In his work he is inspired by such artists as Dalí, Caravaggio, Tanning, Carrington, Gauguin, Schiele, Wittgenstein, Rimbaud, Artaud, Blake, James Joyce.

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“Quand tu n'auras plus mes bras sous ton cou, ni mon cœur pour t'y reposer, ni cette bouche sur tes yeux.„


Arthur Rimbaud, Une saison en enfer, • introduzione di

[testo a fronte: traduzione di Edgardo Franzosini]

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Тянет меня фем!версии рисовать, ай-яй.

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