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The Timezone here is not too late to celebrate Ms. @tarastrong 's Birthday, and today was also National Pork Rind Day, and I may know one person who might enjoy a Bag of Yummy, Crunchy Pork Rinds, Ms. Donna of 'the Raccoons', and Tara's earliest characters.
What are you wondering about;
Iris - 🦣
Rind - 🦖
Kipp - 🐦 or
Sylphie 🐶 ?
Rind of a cheese made on the day of the Feast of Brigit from milk of a "guileless cow" fed on pearlwort protects after 12 months from the "wiles of the fairies of the mound". (Carmina Gadelica)
🎨 IrenHorrors
#Superstitiology #ofdarkandmacabre
@Splatfacts There are several varieties of squid-themed produce grown in Kelp Dome which presumably didn't exist in human times, my personal favorite being squiddymelons, watermelon-like fruits in season from June to August whose flesh changes color when the rind is inked!
@Vellvye @voidqueens This is soo cute!! Your work looks fantastic! 🥰 I think I'll pick my gal Rind for this. ♥️
a heart of stone , rind so tough its crazy ! that's why they call me the :