Giant Mecha Rokoko that is piloted by a smaller Mecha Rokoko that is piloted by Rokoko who is piloted by this thing

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ada yang masih cari pc rindou ngerokok by 187x191 ini gaaaa??? aku mau jual tapi bundle sama 1 neppuri satosugu jadi 33k inc all

bisa di co 25.7 via tokped dom bekasi

(rt will be appreciated <3)

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temenan? gabut parah. (he/him manly suka ngerokok dan ngamer with a deep voice suka ngomong pake anjing"an juga biar keliatan keren, punya jawline juga looh sama celana jeans sobek")

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うろこ(@ urourokokko)さん主催の18祭グルアイに💙くんで参加させていただきました。これから1ヶ月よろしくお願いします🏮

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Next up in the Vtuber Cosplay Fanart series is Rokoko, rokokoprufei, I always enjoy seeing the small version of their model getting up to shenanigans

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Dah kabo kat kedai makan dilarang merokok ada jugak yg merokok eiiii

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Asked for @.RokokoPrufei's permission to draw a maid picture so I thought I'd also make it a surprise by including @.EzraGreyVT and @.DandyflossVT, who I've done similar before.

Rokoko's is based on Mikuru's color scheme from The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya

Hope you enjoy it.

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It's okay if not many VTubers can't be able to use the optical infrared camera-based mocap suits. Rokoko, XSens, and Perception Neuron do a great job with their full-body mocap. I use Rokoko and iPhone mocap for best tracking (I will be using Faceware for a project soon though!).

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skrg my personal favorite!! joongdok nyebat tp ingat merokok membunuhmu ya jd kalo bs mah jangan nyebat!! commis di @.arudelux 💕

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Wkwkwk (maaf baru jawab 🙇‍♂️) roh di rumahnya itu juga pacar dari Deo. Sebenernya roh nya ga agresive, palingan Deo cuma di BONK, gara2 tiba-tiba ngerokok di rumah.

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Udah bau bawang, bau rokok pula. Gausah deket-deket!

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di ajarin sanji nih ngisep rokok

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"Jam berapa ini hmm?😊💢Baru pulang. Dari mana aja kamu? Sebentar.... bau apa ini? Udah berapa kali kamu nge-vape? Ah! Mana rokok sama vapenya?! Sini Nee chan sita! Bulan depan engga ada uang jajan lagi ya! SEKALIAN NGGAK USAH PULANG!!!"

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Hitler dan Nazi melarang kekerasan terhadap hewan termasuk melarang merebus lobster hidup-hidup. Nazi juga yang menghubungkan rokok dengan penyakit paru-paru sehingga Nazi melarang setiap orang merokok di stasiun kereta api.
Hitler tak segan akan mengirim orang Jerman yang

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Don't worry Rokoko I'll get you down.

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Two days before Ratanak debuts his new model and this is what I see. Rat if you see this: Me with Rokoko mocap suit and you with Valve Index full body, we gonna have an imaginary VTuber fight, lol. Yall should watch his debut honestly.

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IT FINISHED!!! this is my FAVOURITE all time best clown who i love with all my lil bat heart

i only just noticed she's lowkey doing the wallace and gromit hand thing but LOL IGNORE THAT.....


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Draken vibesnya om2 anak satu hobi motoran yang bau rokok trus kalo salim tangannya keras

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