Dan lagi (masih lanjut) setelahnya ditunjukkin Rena beberapa kali sengaja ngabaikan Faisal, jadi Faisal kan makin ngerasa 'gagal' sebagai penjaganya. Eh begitu Sembilan pulang Rena langsung nyamperin, wajar banget Faisal "cemburu" walopun gak dalam arti romantis

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Pour la je vous invite à lire
l'excellente comédie romantique "Aromantic (love) story" sur l'asexualité, l'aromantisme et déconstruit de nombreux clichés sur l'amour !
Pour en savoir plus : https://t.co/l1wulZ1zxE

15 47

Collected this beautiful portrait by
I love the aesthetics of Pre-Raphaelites and Romantism in this work that reminds me old painting ❤️

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// yume , ruirn

dabel det ruirn-akikou (kou punya ) 🤤
ngedate kok makannya jumbo ramen, ga ada romantis2nya ah 🙄

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Also romantismenya big deal

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Ah yes, einfach man selbst sein. Sehr wichtig in der heutigen Zeit!!!
Einfach unsere Leben, unsere Sexualität und Romantischen Gefühle ausleben.

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Eugène Delacroix, considéré comme le principal représentant du romantisme, né le 26 avril 1798 à Charenton-Saint-Maurice et mort le 13 août 1863 à Paris.

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AWUKWUKKK liat ada adkel sok romantis romantisan di SG😂 semangat ya dekk, masi kelas 7 kokk

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He has a cool and sharp tongued personality. His cold appearance may make him look distance but he is very reliable. He prefers to use his head rather than waste his energy on meaningless actions. A romantist at heart but he is too shy to completely show his affection.

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como pode uma mulher vestida de melancia e uma palhaça ser o apice do romantismo

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5. Rina:
suka nulis2 naskah kisah romantis terus dia mainin sendiri... kadang sampe nangis sendiri karena terharu wkwkwk

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Hi! I'm Stephan Duquesnoy! Thank you for visiting my profile.

I'm a Digital artists who creates art inspired by romantism with a tendency to go a bit darker. In my work I often reference ideas from historical art movements that put emphasize on craft and beauty


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Petit retour sur la soirée de Saint Valentin du couple Dwight-Collins.
Clairement, le concept du romantisme est bien différente entre Miguel () et Kim ()... 😅

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Shojo-Fans aufgepasst! Die wunderschöne sechsbändige Manga-Reihe „Morgens Mittags Abends“ von wird euch viele romantische Momente schenken.
Von Nayght-tsuki signiert!

2 13

Sebenernya yumeart pertamaku tuh bukan sama jongho....... yes sama gunwoo wkwkwkw 😭 tp gaada romantis2nya, hmmm platonic?

Kalo sm jongho yg di kanan https://t.co/OducrusTXp

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Vielen dank das ihr dabei wart!
Wir haben heute eine wunderbar romantische Quest in Genshin erlebt <3
I ship it!

Und wir suchten nach Waifus... fanden zwei feurige Husbandos! Wie den guten Thoma :3
UND Ich hab Diluc gezogen x3 <3

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