An older character of mine, Ruslana the husky is half-Belarusian and half-Russian. She was never a fan of either country’s leadership (or lack thereof) and certainly is no fan of what either are doing to their neighbour Ukraine!

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My oil painting Battle of ships Oil on canvas 2021. From u/PrusRuslan on /r/mostbeautiful

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Ruslan et peut-être le petit Snowflake mais jsp encore de toute façon l'identité en général est fluide dans ce projet c un truc sur lequel je travaille

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𝐊𝐀𝐌𝐈𝐋𝐋𝐄 is een bloem-een symbool van Rusland. Kamille is ook een symbool van jeugd, romantiek, onschuld en wantrouwen.

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younger vs older ruslan? maybeeeee

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Ruslan and Tim genderswap

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Spotprent op de terugtocht van Napoleon I Bonaparte uit Rusland

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Another practice sprite, this time of Ruslana

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My oil painting Dream Oil on canvas 2021. From u/PrusRuslan on /r/mostbeautiful

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La Navidad nos rodea y, con ella, también nos rodean los clásicos del cine navideño. 🎬

Los artistas Ruslana Kulikova y Serhii Trytko nos comparten una adaptación de su clásico favorito en su último proyecto en Behance. ¿Reconoces la película? 🚂

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Attempt at pixel art characters numba two. Used that more-stylized sketch of Ruslana as a base and then just thre on some basic shading so that it's less flat.

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🎨 Ruslan Sultigov

Here's our thought process on this image 2/4

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My oil painting Storm Oil on canvas 2021. From u/PrusRuslan on /r/mostbeautiful

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And yet another sad piece of news on Ukraine's Armed Forces Day.
Soldier Ruslan Nyrov of the 128th Mountain Infantry Brigade was killed in action on Dec. 5.
He was just 35. His pregnant wife is now a widow.

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hola ruslan, crees algún día hacer un "se acuerdan de wishology?" es que es una saga de 3 capítulos de los padrinos magicos, hay cosas de esa saga en internet, pero en ningún lado se encuentran los capitulos completos

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