I can’t tell what does Wookyung feel from his expression. Furious? Sadness? Disgusted? Fear? But for sure, he won’t let people who ra*ped Minho go

3 21

CH. 30!

-Wookyung, what's wrong with you? Are you mad? I'm sorry, man. Actually, I was going to call you, but I thought you might be busy.

Omg 😱😱😱😭 https://t.co/K5PB5wUYmc

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Wookyung was really busy that Minho barely saw him so he spent days alone at home

Mh: I thought it would be more comfortable if I don’t see him..

Minho felt so lonely 🥺

11 43

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ชาอูคยอง จาก
แอช โจนส์ จาก
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1 1

Quick paint and sketched line of Gyerin from

0 3

vi el meme de chupao y pasaron cosas....

33 171

Ch. 26

-Are you going to drink again in the morning? What's wrong with you? -I'm lonely...
..I'm lonely


10 84

Wookyung talk ab minho’s bad reputation at college & he had a bad impression of him at first

WK: Everyone will leave u eventually, so I thought u’d rely on me if I’m the only one who stays next to u.. But I become the one who can’t live without you

12 57

Minho's extra cute when he's drunk😚🤏🤏

3 25

Minho drunk everyday got wookyung worried & said he won’t interrupt if mh wants to work again. Mh said bcs it was easier to talk to wk when he drink

wk: I hope you to talk to me more. I met a lot of people at work but no one to talk to. Minho hyung, I love you

11 49

Se que es toxico, que esta loco, que todo en él grita 🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩!!! Pero como me gusta lpm!!!!!

1 11

I can't help falling for his wicked smile😈💜

2 18

He's so incredibly sexy as he devours Wookyungs tasty treat🤩

2 10

Minho woke up without remembering what they did last night, said he must be just sleep talking

WK: Okay. You don’t remember. It doesn’t matter

Docile wookyung is such a rare sight 😗

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