iwasagirlinthevillagedoingalrightthenIbecameaPRINCESSovernightnowigottafigureouthowtodoit right
SOMUCHTOLEARNANDSEEupin thecastlewithmynewfamilyina schoolthat'sJUSTFORROYALTawholeenchantedworldiswaitingformeIMSOEXCITEDTOBEEEEE (a vtuber)

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Tomo working out at the gym~ 😍
This was pretty challenging background to tackle 😛

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Misuzu Gundou expression sheet I made for fun!!

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Tomo-chan at the gym! Hooray for Tomboys and their easier-to-draw hair!

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Estos dias estaré dibujando frames de Aizawa Tomo del anime a mi estilo, la verdad me encanta el personaje!!! les recomiendo el anime!!

12 38

Creo que se me cruzaron los canales, es que se parece. Mucho¿

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Espero les guste xD

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