サンジがナミのことを心配していたのも無理はない… 🥹🧡💙🚬🍊

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サンジのナミに対する認識は単純にとても甘いです!! 🥺💙🧡🍊🚬

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After WCI Luffy be like:

He must have been fed up with those two tbh!! 😹😹

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Smooch!! 💋💋

More than ever, I'll believe in what I've read ...

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Saw it was and I just had to make you sin with me 🌚
(I'm a little late tho' :'v)

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Wanted to draw something for One Piece day, but due collage and work, It has been imposible! 🤧
So instead, have this old Sannami drawing! 😹✨
This was One of the very first pieces I made of them, I think I'll redraw It again one day...

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SaNami thematic wallpaper! 🌚💜

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I made a moodboard for my fic "Breakfast in bed"!💗💘💓

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Nami is amazed that she escaped Punk Hazard with no injuries. She has Sanji to thank for that. The two talk about how Nami sometimes has a power deficit when it comes to the others, and Sanji has quite strong feelings on the matter.


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Zosanami 💚🧡💙
After mainly shipping Zosan and Zonami for so many years, I've become so enamoured with Sannami as well. Now, it's extremely hard to separate them. They compliment each other in such different ways, it's all SO good.
Also, most of my fanfic ideas are of this OT3!

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Último día, al final de la serie, la escena que más estoy esperando

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One last Sanji x Nami fanart (with their 40-year-old look) for the bonus day (“them at the end of series” prompt) of the Sannami Week 2022 ! 🍊🚬

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"Golden Sanami", a Film Gold Nami and Sanji fanart for DAY 7 ("fave filler or movie" prompt) of the Sannami Week 2022 . (Nami's head is too big now that I notice... 😓 )

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