Happy valentines u lonely saps

0 1

📩| Ets jove i no saps què votar aquest

Fes un cop d'ull a les propostes d', suma el teu vot per aconseguir

Perquè jove, 👇

25 32

The difference.

See the fun thing about MQ Taini was I was playing with the idea that she has augments or is part android.

And so she has shocky powers (that she sometimes saps from energy blades/sources).

But too much energy and she temporarily goes beserk. :)

0 12

No more politics dang it, nyu! Completely saps my joy and creativity. Feel icky just thinking about it back to doodles.

0 8

Worry never robs
tomorrow of it's
sorrow. It only saps
today of it's joy.

20 28

📆 Així que ja ho saps, de l'11 al 17/02, torna el

Segueix-ne les activitats a les xarxes de i 📲 i gaudeix amb seguretat 😷↔️ de tot el que hem preparat per a tu!

ℹ️ https://t.co/AEuLqIQcNq

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Every time I see an "uwu" or "wholesome" person it legitimately saps me of my energy. Even worse when I have to talk to them.

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saps from a friends au!! 8 hour call pog

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sapnap discord requested some saps :)

211 1850

I don’t go here yet but there are some sorry saps over on tumblr who hate even the thought of kink content with Sebastian from stardew valley so this was made mostly made out of spite to them, but I won’t be posting it on tumblr in the end 😂 spiteful, yet still a big baby.

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... and a moment of hesitation

Sorry for being sappy on main the 1am saps found me again 😞

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The world is out here dancing on the ashes of this but some of you saps still have to deal with Paw Patrol. HA! RIP Egghead, you will probably maybe be missed. Eventually.

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I'm making a new pinned 👀

Hi I'm Ellen! Drawing both gives and saps my emotional, mental, & physical energy, but I'm stuck in a sunk cost fallacy so....

My commissions are closed


I'm writing and starting production on my ✨comic✨ so
be aware of that

5 6

Cherry and Barbi are both huge saps and I love it, Barbi belongs to 🦈

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jibo bodyguard au where bora is a brat CEO and minji's just way too nice and gets pushed around a little too much (but maybe she enjoys her tiny client's energy even if she sometimes saps her own)

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昨日のSAPS=12ちゃん塗れた 違う塗り方も今日明日で試そう

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Happy !

A południca is a Polish noonwraith, the spirit of a dead bride who haunts the noonday fields and saps the life from any who dare cross her.

4 32

Saps que la IA pot tenir biaixos de gènere?🧠Saps que cal tenir en compte paràmetres ètics a l'hora de programar-los? L'article d'aquest mes et farà sortir de dubtes i, aprendre més sobre aquest important i interessant tema👭 https://t.co/zzlAvFEYBr

10 30