"FRAGMENTARIA" - citas ilustradas por Andrés Casciani (5/5/21)

"Cuando comprendes los detalles de la victoria, es difícil distinguirla de la derrota".
(Jean - Paul Sartre)

- Ilustración digital, 2021

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Sartre bargain ! Circa 1974

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Simone DeBeauvoire and Jean Paul Sartre visit the set of the Addams Family.

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[11 April 2021] Bandwagon time baby! yeah!

Mai is 17's buff gf who blatantly asks him out on a date in public, loudly (reposted cuz a minor error lol)

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Páginas a color + nueva serie: JK-san chi no Sartre-san.

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[10 March 2021] Android 17 and Mai.... <3

my very first canon x canon ship (way before battle of gods was a thing)


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[8 March 2021] have a Mai i guess, i ended up doodling to curb my anxiety  

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Ogni parola ha conseguenze, ogni silenzio anche.

J.P. Sartre

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Come tutti i sognatori, ho confuso il disincanto con la verità... Jean Paul Sartre

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Une BD pour saisir la tragédie personnelle de Frantz Fanon, à travers le récit de sa rencontre avec Sartre à Rome en août 1961. Pendant 3 jours, Fanon débat avec le philosophe qu'il admire depuis toujours, notamment sur la décolonisation.

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[14 December 2020] heyy yey im updating. :DD

Android 17 chilling with Nict (an OC) on a grass

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[7 December 2020] I've been hit hard by artblock but

have a casual doodle of Sapphire the Marill and Lapis the Azumarill in Explorers of Sky setting

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Ryle: The concept of mind (Summary) 

The concept of Mind, by Gilbert Ryle, is one of the most important philosophy books of the 20th century, aside of Being and Time by Heidegger or Being and Nothingness by Sartre....


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« the Beauvoir of your Sartre »
older Soyo and Hume! https://t.co/0QlkBkmzwX

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[23 November 2020] Goku Black. I originally wanted to make his hair blown but it just.... doesnt feel right to me. :P (before - after)    

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