me visiting reddit mobile and seeing that my last post didn't get any reddit silver

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Since is being revived on Steam, I thought maybe a couple of you wanna see this thing I made.

4 43

This game has some SERIOUS fucked uppery

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In honor of Saya no Uta/Song of Saya coming to Steam!

10 41

Analizamos la nueva versión de gracias a . Se trata de una novela visual de terror escrita por Gen Urobuchi (#MadokaMagica que no dejará indiferente a nadie.

2 12

Cute anime girl Saya: Saya no Uta visual novel art [Artist: 名瀬@こみトレ ネ27a]

4 22

Another chibi Saya cause I love this game <3 (and should replay it (´。• ω •。`))
(+ my other Saya drawings since I didn't post them here (last one is way older ^^'))

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Gonna replay this VN. Absolute classic for me.

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Re-read Saya no uta for the idkth time. I always come back to it every so often because for some reason, I find myself to be madly in love with Saya. Something about her seems to resonate with me in a way not many things do

2 15

A love that changed the world

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