🔺La Traició de Judes (1303)
Capella dels Scrovegni. Padua, Italia.

Sempre vigent...

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Giotto, “The Ascension ”
(c.1305) from “Scenes from the Life of Christ” series of frescoes in the Scrovegni (Arena) Chapel, Padua

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...risorgiamo a una «Vita nuova»

(Imagine-JohnLennon) https://t.co/6qBNNlhkxZ

“Resurrezione e Noli me tangere”
-Cappella degli Scrovegni, Padova-

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On Maundy Thursday a famous and important fresco from The Scrovegni Chapel in Padua by Giotto from 1305. It depicts the betrayal of Jesus by his disciple Judas. Giotto’s work moved away from 2-dimensional figures to those with more human qualities.

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The fresco series by in Padua's Capella degli Scrovegni made a huge impact when I visited, simply beautiful evocations of human emotion captured by the artist around 1305, my all time hero!

Washing of the Feet |

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Last Judgement (detail). Giotto di Bondone. 1306, Cappella Scrovegni, Padua.

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Giotto, one of the major innovators in Italian art, died 1337 ~ so it’s a perfect excuse to check out the angels with evanescent tails that soar and hover in his early 14C frescoes in the Scrovegni Chapel, Padua

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Bon Natale🎄
À prestu!🖐

(Giotto, Natività di Ghjesù, Cappella di i Scrovegni, Padova, Italia).

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Capilla de los Scrovegni, decorada por di Bondone

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Sapendo che era giunta
la sua ora di passare
da questo mondo
al Padre,
dopo aver amato i Suoi
che erano nel mondo,
li amò sino alla fine.

🎨Giotto Cappella degli Scrovegni

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El nacimiento de Jesús. Giotto. 1304-1306. Capilla de los Scrovegni

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L'evoluzione in pittura deI profeta Giona, ingoiato da una balena. Dalla Cappella degli Scrovegni di Giotto alla Sistina di Michelangelo.

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La natività di Gesù Giotto 1303
Cappella degli Scrovegni Padova

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Lamentación sobre Cristo muerto. Giotto. 1305-1306. Capilla de los Scrovegni

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Massacre of the Innocents by Giotto. From Scrovegni Chapel Padua
Image from Bruce Cole book.

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