(Art and color by me)
Color project featuring a.k.a. (From VS Piotr a.k.a. (from Inferno based on Design)


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It's the first anniversary of the Craggonder plucking superhero movies out of space/ time and moving them to Battle Twitter to fight it out for the title of ultimate Super Hero movie. So without further ado, please enjoy part 1 of this encore presentation of

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Black suit Spidey! Stunning chest/eye paint but sadly at the expense of the back, but a more than acceptable stand in until a better one pops up.

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Would you just look at that GLORIOUS costume! Those colours are amazing. I love everything about this guy. My first foray past the initial 8 figures, the rest are going to be buggers. Bring it on.

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Seems fitting after that today’s offering is This single figure was the only Spiderman I needed throughout my childhood. Not THIS actual one obviously, mine would be a train wreck if I still had it.

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So..back from It’s good - has not broken superhero movies. There are shocks, bitter-sweet emotions and lots of fan service.
Looking forward to The New Mutants, but could Disney now bringing X-Men in-house bring us

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I think it could work
1. Would it work?
2. Could it happen?
3. Should it happen?
4. Would you be ok with it?

It happens in the comics

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