wife's newest gf just dropped

829 6736


4 24


14 136

There seems to be some concern that Ihsan and his siblings might not all be from Cynonari and that some could be from Sethnari. As their creator, I can assure you that I created them before Sethos existed, so they are definitely 100% from Cynonari🫶💕(And Sethos as uncle)

43 1237

with EN translation/wanlumi and Sethos

47 530

Bro really doesn’t know he’s the reason Kaveh’s been hushing the entire time 😂

85 1122

Sethos is following Wanderer

446 4264

Sethos just can’t look away… 🌱🏛️ <- 👀

2077 14836

“Something about those two guys hanging out together, you just can’t look away…”

1411 10546

Sethos knows what they are 👁️👁️

17 556

60 PULLS... FOR ONE..... SETHOS....

24 1347


114 650

(through tears) lion...., lion ........ lion........lion................lion.................sethoslion................(dry heaving).........Lion .............. lion

364 2927