【PFAOS】鋼鉄巨影のクレモラ【アステラ】 | seya* https://t.co/hY9gKpZJIU

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せやなせや(@ seyana_seya)ちゃん

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draftwork for a white mage/ arcana summoner type to rival the dark mage, Seya. I want her outfit to come off a little discordant, because she draws life from a realm of light where monsters like the final boss from a kirby game or the madoka magic universe reside

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🎃halloween Spider🎃
Merci a Seya pour la commande ^^

c'était la derniere de la série, très sympa a faire, ça m'a beaucoup plu.

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seyaさん( )の素敵なイラストをお借りして文庫化させて頂きました!タグ失礼します!

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Paez qu'hai della xente que tien un problema con que la nueva serenina seya prieta. Dedicó-yos esti dibuxín que fixi hai tiempu. Siempres fui un trendsetter, lol.

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I read the news about the new Sait Seya adaptation.
I am so against the change of Andromeda sex.
He was a very revolutionary character, let boys wear pink, let boys be compassionate, let boys be kind, let boys be sensitive.

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Can’t belive i haven’t post it this guy yet. LOL my Saint Seya tapu bulu

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ひなちゃん(@seya_22 )ファンアート(お礼も兼ねて♡)牛丼屋でバイトしてる設定がすこぶる好き。推せる。

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