"..a pale clear-shining sky.."
Henry V1 Pt3

9 22

What hempen home-spuns have we swaggering here,
So near the cradle of the fairy queen?
MND Act III Scene 1.
🎨Walter Stanley Paget.

3 10

“You are but newly planted in your throne” ~ Titus Andronicus (A1,S1).

1 9

“For thou has lost thy princely privilege with vile participation." ~ Henry IV Pt I  3.2
“Beauty’s princely majesty is such, confounds the tongue and makes the senses rough." ~ Henry V1 Pt 1  5.3

6 24

“She had all the royal makings of a Queen” ~ Henry VIII (A4,S1).

0 4

O, that estates, degrees and offices
Were not derived corruptly, and that clear honour
Were purchased by the merit of the wearer.
(The Merchant of Venice))

0 2

“Now, my co-mates and brothers in exile,
Hath not old custom made this life more sweet than that of painted pomp?”
As You Like It, Act II, Sc 1

Image: John Leigh Pemberton

21 103

I am that flower

Love’s Labour’s Lost 5,2 🌸🦨

27 75

“Gives not the hawthorne bush a sweeter shade to shepherds looking on their seely sheep than doth a rich embroidered canopy to kings that fear their subjects’ treachery?”

Henry VI, Part 3 ~ Act II, scene v

Plants! 🌿

15 54

Mon parcours chaotique de lecteur de Harold Sakuishi est d'avoir commencé il y a tout juste 10 ans avec 7 Shakespeares (merci Kaze de l'avoir stoppé), puis une longue traversée du désert avant de lire Rin, pour finir avec la réédition catastrophique de Beck.

0 20

Der Stoff: klassisch. Die Zeichnungen: dramatisch. Die Story: modern. So habt ihr Tragödie noch nie erlebt!

Die freie von aus den Federn von und erscheint nächste Woche.


0 4

"Assure thee, If I do vow a friendship, I'll perform it to the last article." ~ Othello (A3,S3).

1 8

🌿❤️‍🔥🌿"For I have sworn deep oaths of thy deep kindness,
Oaths of thy love, thy truth, thy constancy."

🌹Sonnet 152

7 44

‘So may the outward shows be least themselves: The world is still deceived with ornament.’

4 8

"Pray you, tread softly, that the blind mole may not hear a foot fall" ~ The Tempest (A4,S1).

3 18

" ... the fairest stars in all the heaven ... " ~ Romeo & Juliet (A2,S2).

1 14

‘For where thou art, there is the world itself,
With every several pleasure in the world,
And where thou art not, desolation.’

2 8

“Thou ominous and fearful owl of death”

Henry VI Part 1 (Act 4, Scene 2)

8 51

… and
it would do well to set the deer's horns upon his head for a
branch of victory.

- As You Like It [IV, 2]

8 38