life hack become sheogorath just for unlimited access to cool clothes

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demiprince oc theyre clavicus viles weird lizard kid who hung out around the shivering isles w uncle sheogorath sleeps-with-swords for a while b4 insisting on going down 2 tamriel to devil went down to georgia some nords asses

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It’s a lovely morning in Mundus, and you are a horrible Daedra.

26 48

TES oc stuff... my Oblivion character Shadah as Sheogorath. Mainly some design stuff. He looks a bit different as khajiits usually as he's supposed to be ohmes-raht khajiit. But I still need to tweak his design overall

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why do HoKs have to mantle sheogorath? is it not enough to want to sit with some crystals, fully hinged?

6 13

*sees Sheogorath trending on Twitter*

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sheogorath turned Snug into a normal cat and it's the first time Gark has ever smiled

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Sheogorath+Sweetroll mash up miniature (Day 2: Daedric Prince/ Day 21: Sweetroll)

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Just chillaxin' maxin' all cool, when Sheogorath came into my neighborhood...?

2 5

here's MY Four Favorite Characters... am i valid or what, folks??? names for the curious: sheogorath, kumatora, ratonhnhaké:ton, & the scout!

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Sheogorath fromThe Elder Scrolls for a request on tumblr (for )

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"If anyone is going to be turning mortals into cheese and sweetrolls, it will be me! No one else is suited to wield such absurdly sweet power! Except for maybe the Daedric Demi-Prince of Pastries, but no one has seen her for a long time."


28 183

"You really shouldn't have done that. Enjoy the view."
--Sheogorath's response to you attacking him, followed by him teleporting you into a lethal fall

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Guess I'll throw this up too. She was based on an old Warrior Cats of I never used. She used to be normal colors but an encounter with Sheogorath left her pink and not very intimidating

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Lile is here she's here she's the Crownsguard/Champion to and also future Madgod but hush.

8 45

Drew some classic Sheogorath for

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"I once dug a pit and filled it with clouds....or was it clowns.... it doesn't matter, it didn't slow him down. But it really began to smell! Must have been clowns. Clouds don't smell, they taste of butter. And tears." - Sheogorath

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"I must beg your pardon, but the Lord Sheogorath will not see you. He said you were, and I quote, 'Boring, born, boring, boo hoo, my poor son, get over yourself. No wait, get under yourself, that would be funny.'"

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