Depending on the choices you make in Sakura Wars, I ship Ichiro Ogami and Sakura Shinguji 🌸

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man i love sakura shinguji sm!! like she has the personality of the average shoujo protag, with the tropes of the average shonen protag, is a takarazuka actress, a mecha pilot and pretty much a samurai!! like whoever created her has a big brain!!

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same as well

Sakura Shinguji is an icon even outside of Japan and we love her so much for her kindness and strength in the field of battle

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Sakura Shinguji. I just think she's neat.😳

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Gonna break the rule for a good reason since I have more than one favorite Sega character, lol. Anyway, for faves, I’d say Majima from Yakuza, G from House of the Dead series, Sakura Shinguji from Sakura Wars series, and Futaba Sakura from Persona 5. ^-^

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Korekiyo Shinguji fan art by Its-All-Al. It's a marvelous work, Genuine praise to the artist❣

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[ ] i got to draw some lovely cosplayers from tiktok, chell.creates and mskristie_, im grateful for their cool poses!!! :D

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Unfinished Halloween Drawings 1/3

Ghost Kiyo based on this one Halloween promo art. I wonder if that soup is edible...

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