so the artist who is behind the famous boy which is the only man i love came back to post another horrible take this time about shoplifting so here i drew this lil gal enjoying the only thing she bought. don't shoplife be like work for your stuff and get it legaly

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Ah shit, here we go again.
Here’s my contribution. You’re not sticking it to the man by shoplifting: you’re hurting employees, ESPECIALLY underpaid managers who already have enough bs on their plates as is.

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imagine making a comic trying to make Shoplifting, which is a LITERAL CRIME, cute and quirky, during a time when many stores around the world are suffering with current events and people using said current events to shoplift

you're despicable man

just despicable

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the replies are also supporting shoplifting like wtf its illegal and it hurts the people who work there

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Encourage shoplifting at a time that retail employees are literally putting their health at risk by going to work. Acts surprised that people think you're an asshole... again. Also apparently she doesn't know what a Karen actually is.

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Surprise surprise the new guy comic creator is still a shitty human being who wants to get low income workers punished for shoplifting

Reposting deliberately because I'm blocked and I have no respect for them

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Not only is Sofia amazing, but it goes to further show how amazing Masami Obari is. True story, I got busted as a teen for shoplifting an art cel of the 3rd pic. Anyway, here's some more Sofia goodness

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🔥New on 12/17🔥
Stud Milk (2)
by Kairi

Yes, my friends, Stud Milk continues... The evil professor Saizen has set his eyes on a new cow, Yuuto, for semen milking... After he catches him shoplifting, he makes his move...!

Link to Manga:

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sim hitchcock and his influencer eyebrows are permabanned from sephora for getting him to do his makeup without buying anything no less than 5 times a week for 3 months. also shoplifting

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Ralph’s mom was arrested for shoplifting... at gunpoint???? Fourteen times!!!!! Excuse me.

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Add shoplifting to her docket | Grrl Power – Como llego al banco de sangre?

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Slammo's OC Angry Girl caught shoplifting :)

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Looks like Jed got caught shoplifting at Old Man Mephit's store again. Art by the wonderful !

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