I finished my based on Creative Calling by and used to create this video of the book.

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Loved the pop up gems of wisdom in Marina’s talk - and the theme definitely inspired how I chose to present the sketchnotes!

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Those with a fixed mindset tie their identity to their successes or failures creating the fear of taking risks as it all rests on their self worth. Those with a growth mindset see failure as temporary and part of a learning process - not who they are. Book: Mindset

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In her “Grit”, Angela Duckworth describes grit as the combination of and Those with grit have greater long-term The trick is to find what you are passionate about and work relentlessly toward achieving that

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Los miedos principales son diferentes versiones de “Miedos a la Pérdida” Miedo a perder la vida, la libertad, la compañía, nuestra integridad o dañar nuestro ego.

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