And this is Tomota's wife spea

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I know I'm late but here is spea

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Age: 24
Power: ssj, ssj2, ssj3, ssg, ssbk
Relationship: Married to Tomota
Hobbies: Train/spend time with her husband, shopping, hang out with friends
Job: Time Patrol
Known for: Being a wife, kicks that can break bones
Fun fact: She can be flirty

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Age: 25
Power: ssj, ssj2, ssj3, ssg, ssb, ssbe
Relationship: Married to Spea
Hobbies: Training, relaxing, hanging out with friends/ wife
Job: Time patrol
Known for: Hero of Toki Toki city
Fun fact: He doesn't use ssj2 often
Art by

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My Saiyans Tomota(left) and Spea (right)

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My other Saiyan Spea wife to Tomota

S to Sera - I'm almost surprised that your able to fight with breast that large! I feel bad for the people who underestimated you.

S to Sobura - That scar on your right eye looks painful! Respect that your able to fight like that.

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The result of an EYI made by buzzkillchainsaw on instagram
The right character is chainsaw and the left is spear.

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Feel free to ask any of my OCs any questions you’d want.
Ansoni Tatsuya
Hikaru Shōdō
Spea “Sweet Pea” Tatsuya

Stolen from a lot of people.

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Spea: I’m right here. What’s up?

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A little present for a good friend of mine named

I tried to make Spea based on the reference sheet.

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I can probably see Luna with Locke, and Hikaro with Spea

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Nasa Klara Pitli kreslila plagat na Grapepovsku Pecha Kuchu, urcite pridite pozriet spea...

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