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La GB Dev tuvo 4mil $ y la CPC Dev 2400, así que vamos, comunidad Speccy!!


13 26

The original (and bestest) Hunchback game will always hold cherished memories for me, a superb conversion on the Speccy and the version I still play way more than the original arcade version! ❤️👍🔔🦇🪢🏰

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Got the speccy out and finally getting a chance to properly sit and play the amazing port of Mr. Do! to the by and Adrian Singh. I'll have to get it into a speccy emulator to get some practice without hogging the big TV :)

3 18

Know what you mean Julz, I always get that warm 'n fuzzy feeling with any Speccy game that came out between 1982-1985 as I'm immediately taken back to a magical time when home computing was in it's infancy and most games were new and original! We truly were spoilt back then! 👍❤️

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As much as I'd love to follow Tagg's lead and say...

1. Manic Miner
2. Manic Miner
3. Manic Miner

I'll stick to the rules & say as hard as it is to narrow it down to just 3 games, these 3 awesome gaming classics easily took up most of my Speccy gaming time back in 1983!👍😊❤️🕹️

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A new year of life means it's time for a new pinned tweet: Hey y'all, I'm Ahab, your big feathered friend. Expect lots of bird content here and some occasional macro shenanigans. Don't be a stranger!

(🎨: @/LtnCorrsk, @/SpeccyChicken , @/godbirdart)

9 148

Graphic works from the festival Сhaos Сonstructions 2021.💪🏻#zxspectrum https://t.co/BlAxlO0Vz9

32 123

Lots of Marvel and DC games on the old micros, really nice colourful palette, looks like someone forgot to add the colour on the Speccy

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Pixel-wise, the art is a great fit for tiny resolutions of retro-computers. But on Speccy the video RAM is very limited, and allows only two colours per 8x8 tile. That was the real challenge of this demake. Compare with MSX1, where 's art simply shines.

3 21

Big pixels plus original scr file that you can run on your Speccy (if you have one, of course): https://t.co/6hPqasr772

4 35

Speccy Manic Miner
C64 Uridium
Amstrad CPC Pinball Dreams
BBC Micro Elite
Amiga Beast 1
Atari ST Defender of the Crown

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I've got to try the Speccy version. It looks like it was quite well done. I'm only tried it on C64 and Amstrad so far. 🤔
Also, everything looks cooler in a clamshell case. 😁

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My Favourite Games of 1986 – No.24


Yes, it’s a straight port from the Speccy original, but that doesn't stop it from being an excellent game. A combination of stealth, arcade adventure & beat ‘em up, Saboteur is jam-full of tension, atmosphere & excitement. Superb.

10 125

I still enjoy this. 👍 Sure, it take no advantage of the C64 hardware — looks like a quick and dirty Spectrum port. But it is a port of a really charming game. So it's still a blast to sneak around, seek those safe-codes, and try to avoid teacher-trouble. 😁
{speccy screenshots.}

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