I’m really digging all the new Speedsters lately.

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me: cosmic heroes don't count as speedsters. it's not their thing. they just go fast bc of space rules
me seeing this: sam alexander speedster moments

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When two cyan-blue speedsters finally meet uwu 💙✨

(Or: Ying meets Blurr!! 🏃🏃‍♀️💨)

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fuck speedsters but also fuck speedsters

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The speedsters agree on going with Wally’s plan, and its when BWL starts corrupting the Speed Force

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The battle of the speedsters reaches its harrowing end in today's page of 𝙅𝙀𝙏𝙓 Chapter 2, by !


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Rainbow Dash! "die" is a bad word at the junior speedsters!! 😬😰😣

Quick warmup for the day!

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/not canon

's Lightspeed and my Trainwreck.
Their ship name is Lightwreck.
Speedsters in love.

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Today I’m talking ’s Lightning Strikes Twice, the start of his Rebirth run!

The artstyle’s amazing and the story introduces tons of new speedsters like Avery and Wallace, as well as one of my favorite Flash villains period, so this is a big one for me!

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so the advantage is slightly with the flash. he knows of opponents much like magneto in the flash gallery.. Magenta

whereas while Magneto has faced speedsters.. they didn't have the speed force or flash's ability to vibrate through objects like the vision or kitty can.

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Last Season:
1. Will be a bit of a timeskip with Bart taking back the Impulse mantle.
2. Jai and Irey will get in on the action but won't have superhero names until the end.
3. The main threat will be a team up of evil Speedsters with Edward Clariss, Eobard, Hunter, and Inertia.

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The obvious answer is Quicksilver or Sonic the Hedgehog, but may I offer some other possible speedsters

A-Train of The Boys
Road Runner of Looney Tunes
Speed o' Sound Sonic of One Punch Man
Burner of Dragon Ball Z

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Flash 13/ speed force
During a DC nation panel building up the hype of Brightest day, geoff johns revealed plans for a second flash book titled Flash: Speed force, focusing on the other speedsters. Issue 12 was officially the last flash issue in the wake of Flashpoint.

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Yeah that was the thing he did actually before then it was just not a thing. Anyway, that's why the speed force retcon exists to explain why the DC universe at the time had so many speedsters in it's history. A way to connect them and also simplify somethings.

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DCs Speedsters are either boy scouts or monsters, but Godspeed (August Heart) is an interesting, anti-hero example. The fact that August is Barry's ex-partner only complicates their relationship further.

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we should talk more often about how waller recruited cisco specifically to take out interdimensional threats/speedsters/both except it immediately backfired because he just Would Not Stop Befriending Them. why? bc it's very cute.

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Chibis for Goatlings user speedsters!

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Reminder: there are at least four current DC Speedsters under 18 years old running around DC's Multiverse. We need a younger Speedster team-up!!!❤️😁❤️⚡️

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