Good Evening ✨💫
Have a great Day/Night wherever you are ✨🙏🏻✨🎄✨🎅🏻

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"Todo lo que soy se lo debo a mi bisabuelo, el viejo Cyrus Tecumseh Flywheel. Si aún viviera, el mundo entero hablaría de él. ¿Que por qué? Por que si estuviera vivo tendría ciento cuarenta años".
– Groucho Marx

Atxabiribil,octubre 2020

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“January brought one of the most spectacular sunsets over Lockerbie I’ve ever seen!” ❤️❤️
⁩ ⁦

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Tres tomas de las nubes desde el mismo lugar y en un lapso de 1 hora. Las claras mirando al Norte y las oscuras al Oeste. Dentro de nosotros también hay puntos cardinales y podemos elegir dónde mirar.


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My entry to the photo competition are these stunning Kelvin Helmholtz Clouds over The Wrekin in Shropshire. (07/09/20)

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Such an awesome sunset view over London as the mist rolls in from the west. Shot from the Sky Garden

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Photo of The Week 31st August 2020

3rd Place Sunset reflection on the nose of a vintage aircraft by Laura Hedien
See the best of the rest at ~

Thanks as always to The Royal Meteorological Society

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🤓 A Page Full Of Weather & Scenic Images For You To Bookmark 🌂 🖍️

Weather Photography Favourites August 2020 - Thanks to & for these three belters!

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🚩 A Look Back At ~ Weather Photo Of The Week 1st September 2019 -

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🌪️ Thursday, July 24/2020 near Strathmore, AB. Looking West. 16:30ish. - By Glen Bell ~ Weather Photography Favourites July 2020 - more images to browse 💨

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Some of my Sunset in Cheshire to brighten your day. 🌞

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✳️ Weather Photo Of The Week 22nd September 2019 -

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Had a good view of the storms to my south at
Wednesday Danielsville PA

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One of those I’m lucky moments storm chasing on Friday, June 26. Beautiful supercell near Yoder, CO

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Cloud Guide 🌥️ ~ A concise explanation of clouds: 💨

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