.025 eth
Those with Stendhal syndrome experience physical and emotional anxiety as well as panic attacks, dissociative experiences, confusion, and hallucinations when exposed to art. These symptoms are triggered by “art that is perceived as beautiful.
🔗 👇

13 22

So an invitee to my Christmas feast yesterday tested positive today for and my two cousins in California are quarantined with it… and we’ll… I started having shut symptoms late last night - gotta go get tested - I hate being sick 😷 won’t be able to go to gym 😭 bedrest

0 3

leaked image of the new “homer symptom”

2 5

I'll have to be in recovery for a week. Got a dengue fever and need to wait at least two days to see if symptoms get worse. Never felt so much pain in my life.

0 8

One of the common feelings people describe is seeing their life as an outsider, as if floating above. Symptoms range from amnesia to alternate identities depending on the type of disorder one has. Times of stress can temporarily worsen symptoms, making them more obvious.


2 7

Abraham, he has a symptom where he will have a nosebleed if the level of stress, anxiety and fatigue has reached its limit. He's a hardworking guy who's too himself.

He's a resolute, unpredictable guy. I hope he will be fine

27 75

Most of the time, my heart is FOMO, but my brain won't let me FOMO.
But made my heart and brain FOMO at the same time.

Finally I went to the doctor and he said the scientific name for the symptom - addiction

39 100

Most of the time, my heart is FOMO, but my brain won't let me FOMO.
But made my heart and brain FOMO at the same time.

Finally I went to the doctor and he said the scientific name for the symptom - addiction

7 23

Okay sir, tell me about your symptoms again and we'll see if we can't get you straightened up!

5 32

those lingering symptoms really are fun

6 48

Hegel's movement of Geist

There's always a temporary hegemonic universal which presents itself as absolute
It succumbs to inherent contradictions of symptomatic universals which upheld themselves as absolute
which births the new

The old is dying & the new has not yet been born

11 38

“Neurotics fall ill in one way or another of frustration when reality prevents them from satisfying their sexual wishes. Symptoms can be properly viewed as substitutive satisfaction for what is missed in life.”

Sigmund Freud, Resistance and Repression

2 14

Symptoms of PMDD include:
Lasting irritability/anger. Feelings of: despair, suic*de, or anxiety. Panic attacks. Mood swings. Lack of interest in daily activities & relationships. Trouble thinking/focusing. Tiredness/low energy. Food cravings/binge eating. Trouble sleeping.

7 40

พี่แจคยองบอกชัดเจนว่าตัวเองมี jinx ซึ่งก็ถือเป็นอาการป่วยอย่างนึงตามเนื้อเรื่อง ความรุนแรงที่แสดงออกมาก็น่าจะเป็นหนึ่งใน symptom ด้วย และที่สำคัญคือพี่เขาก็ให้น้องดันเลือกแล้วว่าจะยอมนอนกับพี่เพื่อแลกกับเงินไหม เห็นอย่างนี้แต่พี่เขาก็ไม่ได้ร้ายอย่างไร้เหตุผลนะ 🥹🥹

655 691

GN 😍

Surprisingly depression and fatigue can be a symptom of dehydration and can be cured by drinking a glass of water or two.

0.012 ETH

17 31


My Father lost his battle with Alzheimer's disease earlier this year. "Lost" symbolizes not only the disease's symptoms of memory loss and confusion but also the sorrow and grieving of losing a loved one

2 19

wordscanbeasymptomofillnessiwakeupalonefuckoffthewayiworkangeldevil COMPLEXITY arguement

8 16

Word is Trashdemic is coming back around
Be sure to have a "Trashplague Physician" around lest your symptoms fester

1 2

Reserve: 0.111 $ETH

Since then, I have been haunted by not only the frightening symptoms of the ailment, but also the way people look at me as if they were swearing at me.

1 2

Avoir le seum, c'est découvrir qu'on est asymptomatique covid la veille du concert de Powerwolf à Paris

0 6