Pinkeu Pinkeu Leo~

12 39

"Kalo gue tidur duluan, gue ga bisa bersama klean" - taekwoon

3 2

gumiho au of vixx 02
A story about gumiho family :【I love you】
beta by Sunny Thank you
About Hakyeon’s memories with Taekwoon before he met Hongbin and Ravi.
After a long time… I finally finished this………...

323 508

[FA] NEO/Leon (SirenAU) - Forced Apart

This piece took me so many hours to get the idea and effects across.
Basically Hakyeon is within a tank, trapped and parted from Taekwoon.

Inspired by Shape of Water.

34 84

the prettiest flowers are always the one picked first

1 7

resident bubblegum emo jung taekwoon here to make you join the pink parade

54 90

「Taekwoonie....If you are sleepy, go to sleep now...」
「...I'm waiting for you....」

148 267

[taekwoon's voice] this isn't even my final form

154 231

The Dynamic Duo of VIXX :))

74 130

hello I am here to give you taekwoon with blue hair

12 25

redux: a fluttery world of wishes 💫


17 20

hopping on the 민들레오 train 🌻🌻

101 171

comeback is so close now I can feel it in my body

109 211