Recently I have started to watch Taka Radjiman from NijisanjiID and yesterday was his birthday!
Funniest birthday stream I ever watched🤣

Though it's late, happy birthday pak! Wish you all the best, and please get some rest! 🥳

15 88

Takamamaaa... Selamat atas bertambahnya usia serta 100 ribu Lobaknya!! 🎉🎉🎉✨✨✨


53 332

Selamat Ultah Pak Taka!!!
wish you all the best!
pertama kali kenal Nijisanji ID dulu dari klip pak Taka nyanyi Online ww

5 33

Happy Birthday!! 🍰
Sorry for being late.. (• ▽ •;)

12 44

Happy birthday Pak Taka, wish you all the best, Semoga segala urusan bpk selalu d mudahkan, i love you and HAPPY BIRTHDAY, HAPPY 100K 🙏🎉🎉

2 12

HBD Pak! Makasih untuk hiburanya selama ini! Semoga makin banyak waktu untuk bisa istirahat dengan tenang!

1 18

Happuy birbday and congrats 100k subss bapakk 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉

btw gambarnya panjang pak

8 30

Happy Borth Pak Taka!! Semoga sehat sejahtera dan sukses karirnya! Maaf artnya sekedar rkgk, but have a great rest of day 🎉🎉

5 18

happoy borthday pak takaa!!! 💙

wishing you everything great! you deserve the world!! thank you so much for everything!! ( ´ヮ`)♡

please take care and stay healthy selalu ya pak, ily <33!!

11 38

Selamat tambah usia, Pak Taka!!!
Selamat juga atas 100k subsnya!!!


2 14

happy birthday pak taka 🥳🎉

8 42

Happy Birthday Pak Takaa!! Wish you all the best and hope to see your awesomeness onwards pak!!!

21 99

Happy birtday sir!
thank you for all amazing journey and lets make more memories together! 💙

25 85

happy birthday pak taka! terima kasih sudah terus melangkah maju meskipun dahlah capek ngantor. best wishos for yu, semoga yang diharapkan terkabulkan. sehat-sehat pak. jan lupa bahagia! CX

37 186

Happy Birthday and congrats on your 100K subs paakkk!!! Best wishes for you🥺💙💙#dies_takalis_22

47 222

I have a bonus hbd gift!ᐠ( ᐛ )ᐟ
I present you Tika Radjiman with suit + turtle neck combo thank you for inspiring me to draw this blessed femtaka drawing 🙏🏻

4 28

Ikan hiu makan tomat
Tomatnya ngambil dari kebun
Untuk Taka sobat
Selamat ulang tahun!!

15 45

Hbd pak Taka!! Also congrats on your 100k subs 🎉
Moga tambah bahagia dan sehat-sehat selalu ya pak!

18 111