Thinkin about TES and this large man I sketched when that teaser trailer came out for chapter 6 wahhhh I wanna have a new Tamriel adventure now!

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"The rest of the Second Era was a time of great darkness and chaos throughout Tamriel. The Imperial City itself became the prize for an endless series of would-be emperors, until its glory was only a faded shadow of the great days when it ruled Tamriel."


13 168

me + last song i listened to

...that background reminded me that I really miss playing Skyrim, wandering around Tamriel and defying my enemies by literally shouting at them (but mostly going invisible and doing stealth kills, bc that's more of my playing style: I'm a rogue!)

0 8

Did You Know: The cartographers of Tamriel keep forgetting about the smaller islands in the Summerset Isles? There's about a 50/50 chance that a map that includes the Isles will feature them.

33 409

Claras Tamriel journey
Race 5 Argonian
unfortunately for Clara she was brought back into slavery This time leading her to Blackwood for the chief to fully “examine” her and the chief isn’t too happy that she made a mess during the “examination”😏

Drawn by

7 29

Claras Tamriel journey
Race 3 Orc
Clara became enslaved by the wood Elves But fortunately The slave wagon got stopped by a bunch of Orc bandits... unfortunately for Clara the chief found Clara

Drawn By Snifer again warning like last time they like to draw gore an loli

6 27

Claras Tamriel Journey
Race 1 Khajiit
Poor Clara had gotten her coin purse stolen by a thief then she was framed for stealing a golden dagger so a lusty Khajiit guard brought poor Clara to an alleyway demanding payment from her in forceful other means~
Drawn by

4 13

TES:O - Argonian - Kai-Tei (Stalks-in-Reeds)

Born a Shadowscale, Kai-Tei is a quiet, inquisitive sort. Travelling Tamriel at the behest of her masters, though always wishing for more freedom than her order could provide.

Hard to know, fiercely loyal to those she does.

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Meneil teaches Fish Sticks Tamrielic customs.. for better or worse

29 158

"You have found a wolf, and sent the beast to flocks of sheep."

--Attributed to Vanus Galerion, in response to the Psijic Order exiling Mannimarco to mainland Tamriel.

34 311

The fact you can make things like couches and beds in ESO implies there’s foam or foam substitutes in the ESO universe. And those little animal head toys exist, so you can make head pieces that look like animals.

My point is that it’s extremely likely fursuits exist in Tamriel.

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Going LIVE on Twitch with a gentle New Life stroll through Tamriel in about 5 mins!

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me and are starting a hashtag for any POC in the TES fandom to share their works and promote themselves whether literary, visual, or otherwise!

im cassius, filipino/white biracial man, i like to draw trans elves 🌺

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I'll start! I'm Pim, a from Thailand, and I love drawing characters as animals, plus scenery! I'm also on ESO (PC/NA) :D

14 30

Percebi que até hoje não tinha nenhum desenho do Dovahkiin... Espero conseguir terminar essa homenagem a esse herói que tornou muitos dos meus dias em Tamriel inesquecíveis. Aaaah, Tamriel! ❤️🥰

0 32

A stranger in once gave me a loaf of crusty bread. And to this day I bring it with me everywhere I go. It has seen every corner and crevice of Tamriel. I wonder what that stranger is doing now...

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