First is Ashe the Cat, I’ve had her the longest and she used to be like based off of me until I changed her a bit because I didn’t like that she had my name and everything haha.
Last Art by @/LazerPotaters

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Come on , taters have been getting their dose of meth using alternate methods, transporting has been a hassle. Two taters got caught and are now in Taterjail, waiting for the Tater trial. One of our taters got KIA. We are losing lives here n need urgent supplies.🙏

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True Fact: i love potatoes and also produce menthane lol. LFG Taters & Bulls together. Its nothing but pure chemistry!

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I love my taters. Such an amazing mission and come on Mrs Taters or Tots hmmm does it not intrigue you?

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Thats a Fact!!!
Taters for $Meth please

3 6

Don't be a hater go sweep a

is now fully minted out 🥳

Follow for all listings and sales of Taters 👀

By just being a holder, you automatically get a Mrs Tater per tater you hold.. 👏

Mr & Mrs Tater.. Tater Tots? 👶

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Bulls and Taters got some moves!

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