I've drawn this comic about we're on it's premiere month and I'm pretty excited, which team are you on? I'm on btw

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Hice un cómic de ya estamos en el mes de su estreno y estoy bastante emocionado, tú que team eres? Yo, jajaja

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Some campaign posters. These are free, but it would be nice if you let me know if you want to use them 🙂

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Godzilla Design w/ Atomic Charge

Sorry I haven't been online that much, kinda forgot I had Twitter :/

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My boys have informed me that they are and I’m wondering where I went wrong as a father.

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Unless this axe is a cousin of Mjölnir, I cannot see why atomic fire can not penetrate it.

I'm no chemist, but I will stand on this hill.

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Look at what you did, you made him cry.

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Doomslayer e Isabelle saben realmente quién ganará

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